I do not think Zaluzhny is happy about the stuatioon in Ukraine and obviously not with the presen Ukraine Govenment. At the time he was fired as Head of the Ukraine army the media reported that he was very popular in Ukraine,
I think Zaluzhny's main problem was that whatsover he wanted to do he was overruled by Zelenskyy on the instructions the latter received from the USA, Zaluzhny was not itnerested in what the Amricans wanted to happen - so he was fired and replaced while the Ukraineniams were not driven out of Bakmuth and most the Ukraine front was relatively stable.
Saluzhny did not go public on the issue and was obviously waiting for the 2024 election to oppose Zelenskyy in that election - but it was clear that if Zelenskyy hold that election he would be sent packing. In he 2019 election Zelenskyy campaigned on the basis and was eleced to stop the Civil War in Eastern Ukraine through negotiations and instead of such negotiations his Government did he exact opposite and aggravated the Civil War into a war between Ukraine and Russia,
So why has the siuation being changed for the worse in Ukraine since 2019? What is bothersome is what is the role of the USA Government in that situation. The US Government is at present funding virtually the whole budget of the Ukraine Government and there were instances where in the past te Ukraine Goverment were instructed to deal with specific issues the US wanted done or lose the US Aid funding. That situation was started as early was 2016 - but got worse when Biden bcame US Preident,
It is clear that Zaluzhny did not go publc on the issue and waited for he Ukrainian Presidential election that was supposed to take place in 2024, That election was unsuprizingly postponed indefiniely - but was possible because Ukraine has no constitution and there is nothing that would force Ukraine to have the Presidential election this year, What could have been done is to hold the election under UN supervision with enforcing a ceasefire in the month the election was being held.
So who decided on the postponing the eletion - was it Zelenskyy himself or was it done on the isntruction of he US Government? I suspect it was both. Elections could upset the applecart of both - something neither of the two wanted - but I think the final instruction on the issue came from Washington,
That is why Zaluzhny went to London where he made he statement on the Kursk incursion - a maror cornerstone of the war propaganda in the US media, Take for instance the four bridges blew up of 4 bridges by the Ukrainians If the bridges were in front of the Ukraine incusrion if would have delayed the advancing of the Ukraine army - if destroyed after the incurison it could become a death trap for the Ukraine army in Kursk. Lookng at maps the Russins are attacking the Ukraine army in the Kursk Oblast from three sides - one is a direct attack from the front and the other two are attacks along the Russian-Ukraine Border, That could lead to isolation of the incursion force and to surrender of the force to the Russians.
In the meantime in Eastern Ukraine the Ukraine army are retreating on a daily basis and in the northern sector are threaening Kharkiv. So why take a much-needed force to defend the easterm Ukraine front line and not invade Kursk/ It looked more and more like a propaganda move bot absed on reality. A limited incursion force will have little suucess in threatening Russia and according to USA propaganda the Russian Government is on the point of potential collapse/because of the incursion.
Historians in years to come will come up wit
h evdence of what really happened and why the incursion took place, Since it seems a futile exercise and of very limited military value the question would be solved then.. . .
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Those who knew what was going on knew this was a very bad move that was driven by a need to convince paymasters that the war was still winnable. But it was doomed to failure.
Russia of course is advancing along the front more quickly than ever now.
This will come as a shock to poor Mozzietard who imagined the Ukrainians were on their way to Moscow after an unfortunate delay due to the Russians getting lucky.