Funny how Zapiro had nothing to say when the other side did worse...
Most countries laugh up ther sleves as the USA and EU countries at their energy poliicies where greene nergy projects are drining up energy costs and not meet needs. In the meantime China is building a 100 coal using plants for electivcity generation,
The aswer is in nuclear power plants - but the geeies are against that too.
SSomebody is losing the plot totally and TTRump is gong he right way - solve the present problems first and hen find a real solution to replace energy prokects
Internet Law -WTF?
I think it's internat. law, as in international law.
I see you are right Pakie...and international law doesn't make sense either...I think many people are looking for reasons to dislike the man.
Trump is a constitutionalist
Can hardly type as this is too much laughter. Best core workout in years. Holy cow, do liberals only think about submission, the more excessively insamely incredible claims they make, the more they feel they subdue people or something...
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