Listen dimness De kock scored the thrd highest number of runs in this series by all batsman -= so you spout shit again.
Can't you ever think of anything real in the world other
than spouting BS on site.
Listen dimness De kock scored the thrd highest number of runs in this series by all batsman -= so you spout shit again.
Can't you ever think of anything real in the world other
than spouting BS on site.
Balls….Ock hasn’t even scored as many runs as Gous, despite having 8 innings to Gous’ 6.
Looked clueless tonight and Hendruns did the business. Wipe the egg off your
face you humorless old toad.
Stop being the top idiot on site - by th e way was Gouws in the SA team? I asked you to please give an indication as to h ow many runs t he SA batsmen scored during the torunament - not what another SA player playing for th e USA scored. But tha diversion and BS is all that you are capable of
Lol Quintie tried to fail in the semis.
No worries there is always the final.
I see Jansen was MOTM.
Been Pole 2.0 might be the best cricketer we've produced in the last 10 years.
...and I swear he must be related to M
ostert. They have the same look.
It’s Gous not Gouws. And you claimed:
‘ De kock scored the thrd highest number of runs in this series by all batsman -= so you spout shit again.’
Once again your facts came out of a washing machine Spin cycle.
44,037 posts
….after de Kock showed again how clueless he is when the ball is moving. Cool idea keeping the same team together for all these games