"The players selected for this tour have every chance of challenging New Zealand," he said in a statement.
"The players selected for this tour have every chance of challenging New Zealand," he said in a statement.
He is clearly a clueless clown
I met someone who said he knows this coach and he is all for attacking bats in test cricket
It’s why he went with Klassen ahead of Verreynne prior to this series and it’s probably why he is backing Stubbs - what an idiot
I'm not convinced Stubbs is a T20 specialist either or for that matter a white ball specialist. But ja, this new coach pretty much defined himself when he made the above statement re the Proteas chances in NZ. S
croll back to an earlier post where I spoke about the dreadful state of South African cricket so to me none of this is of any surprise.
Hall Of Famer27,372 posts
How the fuck is Stubbs our number 4 bat in test cricket
If ever we wanted evidence that our new coach is as clueless as they come then this call is it