A shocking report on Andrey Rublev

Forum » Other » A shocking report on Andrey Rublev

Nov 05, 2024, 09:19

Rublev had a hoorible year in tennis in 2024 and part of it related to his tency to self destruct himself and lose matches he sould hve won ino losses.    But thre were also health problems in evidence and thateffeced him lsing matches as well.    healh problems a well.

Rublev is known for losing matches through menal instabiliy - he turned onto himelf and lose matches - but apparently their are other healh problems that cause him to lose matches or even stoppig him from playing.   As nn example he sent a message that due to health problems he would no be able to play in a tournament in China - but never said why he was absent.  

 Apparently he had a problem of a veey serious nature that could have rsultd in a leg amputation and underwent a fuur hour operation that if not done immediately couldr have resulted in a leg amputation.  Before they put  him to sleep they thrust a document for him  to  sign whixch covered is permission to remove one of his tetsicals if necessary.

He did not play in one match - bu after discharge he rushed back to China to play in Beijing and Shanghai - but his performances were sub-par and that ss undrer the circumstances  nderstandable.   As it turned out hs testicle was not rmoved - but his performancs suffered as  result.   

His fellow tennis like and admire him a lot becaue he spreads kindness off the tennis courts that is unmatched between tennis players,.


Nov 05, 2024, 16:24

Waaaaaaaaaahaha another Saaiman classic. His problem was blood flow to the testicle. His leg was never at risk, But you should be careful when you feel a tooth pain, your head may have to be amputated. The good news is that shouldn’t effect your cognitive functions.

Nov 05, 2024, 17:50

WAAAHAAA DOOS    The problem was blood flow to his leg with the testicle may have been effected.    It was a four hor opertion and that makes i a very serious problem  had to be solved.   Don't be overjoed by your BS.      

Nov 05, 2024, 21:09

Blood Supply Pathway: The blood supply to the testicles comes primarily from the testicular arteries, which originate from the abdominal aorta.

Waaaaaaahahaha….last I looked the abdominal aorta is not in the leg. I can see how this latest misconception arose….you saw the word amputation normally associated with a limb and jumped to conclusions. The amputation referred to his testicle,

You are nothing if nor a source of constant amusement.

Nov 06, 2024, 03:17


You xcmments weere sick -a peson had a 4 hour operation and you enjoyed  that he had a seerious problem and  you clebate that .  Only a sick peon would come up with that kind of approach.   Shoould have expeced it.   Rmember how you celebrated every ime Du oit was injured in 2014 and 2015 - the same attitude is still there,   

So bugger off - you have a sick personaliy problem.   Even s peson like you have no shame.   .   

Nov 06, 2024, 04:52

Saaiman even Rublev was joking about losing a goon. But I’m not laughing at Rublev, no man should lose his equipment. I’m laughing at the hilarious mistake you made you humorless, puffed up old goat..

Nov 06, 2024, 09:46

I saw the article and know wat e prblm is.   I was sted recently abou e blod flow to my legs and here was n rpoblem was- in my case here were no problem.   In fact I immeiaely realize what Rublev probem wss  afer he discussion I had with the specialis.   Ruble was not joking - he had to sign permission for the removal o his gong in cas it as affeced by the blood flow probem.

Th operaion was a four hour one,   So with the WAWAWA on your part was an insult to humaniy and not a joke you makes out. of such caes.  


Nov 06, 2024, 15:25

 don't know how to call it in a smart way but I can call it in a funny way...

'I almost lost my ball. 

'I was super lucky because they say you have only five or six hours if the blood stops going there and then it's amputation.

'I was lucky. I don't know why I said, 'let's go to hospital just to check why I feel a weird feeling'.

'They checked straight away and they took me as an emergency to do the surgery and then they were able to do the surgery in three or four hours after the first feeling I felt.’


See any mention of his leg there Saaiman? Notice also his light hearted approach, none of your miserable nonsense.

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