I also have that email Plum...and the same link...if I pulled a prank like that at work or school...fired or expelled on the spot...and back in the day, probably jailtime or corporal punishment.
I also have that email Plum...and the same link...if I pulled a prank like that at work or school...fired or expelled on the spot...and back in the day, probably jailtime or corporal punishment.
I hope they have fixed that by now...and I hope it hasn't been that way for long...no wonder we don't get new members....
Haha I'm just glad nobody was standing near me at the time.
I was canning myself when i saw it.
I was kinda p!$$3d off...had a long day...not the kinda thing you'd liked to see ever, never mind after a 18 hour work day.
Remember when you told me to chill?
It takes many people to make a world.
I see the humour in it.
More so because I wondering if that link was copied to a certain editor's clipboard...and it was a glipsie rather than a prank.
I guess we'll never know
Nah...that's the link they send to the spammers, but somehow the new software identified us as spammers...I got booted when I tried to insert media and edited stuff...
Imagine the surprise some poor potential new users got.
PS, that's the kinda thing I can see ou Snarkie do...and it is sort of of funny to give spammers that treatment...at some stage some NZ posters were redirected to a site with bleating sheep.
I missed it, what was it?
It was a hundred times worse than ouChippo's avatar.
I need to up my game!
Worst eye-bleach ever...
What the fuck was it - this cryptic shit tells me nothing
Dang, Draad.
I was hoping for a funnier explanation than that :(
Good to know that we're no longer part of the Dark web.
Just tell the group, what’s the big secret??
superman's me sister, she's my skin & blister
Ask Edd what he did!!!
Aaah was it maybe a Einhorn is Finkle, Finkle is Einhorn, Einhorn is a Man situation??
13,811 posts
I doubt anyone saw the post from this morning. So you dodged a bullet...
You have my email, I'd love hear the explanation...