You must eb seerius living in the past referring to Kolisi as a quota captain. I t hought we passed the tage wher non-white players are re=garded as quota players. Start thinking about wht players in fact produce irrespective of their age or race and think about players be selected on merit in accodrdance of their performances,
When a younger player being given enough opportiunities but still produce nothing - sucha plaer should be off the option list - esecially when they are already 30or will be over 30.
Senior player2,866 posts
I don't know if anyone has been noticing what has been going on recently with Kolisi's back and forth between clubs, but he is costing the Saarks and SA rugby a lot of money.
It has been reported that Kolisi has now stated that he wants to go back to the Stormers to be with his family and kids.
On that side, a farther needing to be near his children I can fully support and I really feel sorry for the guy. But he is not unique as many parents, married or not has to spent months away from their children. The only good thing is that he is back in SA and easier to see them if he stayed in France.
There are service men that serve their country and spent months away in a war zone and these men put their lives on the line for their country. Then their are hard working mothers, that leaves their children to be raised by their grandmothers while they work as domestic servants in South Africa, or those fathers that has to do very risky and dangerous work in oil fields or even mines.
All of the above people earn far less than what Kolisi has earned.
This guy really work on my tits. He has become another black person that thinks he is God and people should just bow to his demands. Everyone is so sensitive around him and nobody wants to upset him. Vincent Mai, an SA millionaire has been helping children to go to expensive schools to get a better start in life.
The media and SA Rugby has turned him to a poster child of rugby transformation when he has been average for the boks with a few cameos where he excelled. But he was never really the captain of SA and we saw the real leaders such as Eben and Vermeulen working with the team. Then, in the last World Cup campaign, we saw that Bongi was the captain against England. Rassie chopped both Eben and Kolisi because they were so self involved. There even was an incident where Duanne got pushed out by Kolisi in the leadership cricle because of his own ego.
Rassie and SARU as well as his millionaire benefactor, Vincent Mai, that gave him a scholarship and helped him from a teenager to excel.
No other black or white sports person ever received so much support.
One thing that is obvious to me is that Kolisi is spoiled. The fact that he cheated on his wife, allegedly, he dropped the Stormers for big bucks to go to the Saarks. Then only a year into lucrative 5 year contract he decided to pack it in and go to France. Racing club owner quickly saw who is and when he gave him a little bit of criticism to say that this guy is invisible on the field, which is true, when you watch him, he always jumps away at the ruck instead of putting his head down and get over the ball.
On top of that, he landed a huge brand contract with, Pedo File JZs , allegedly, Roc nation.
This guy has become so rich by being an average player and yet, now he wants to ditch the Saarks and want to head back down to Cape Town.
He should have taken ownership of his mistakes, same as Jantjies who cheated on his wife, if he Kolisi cheated on his wife then this the price he should pay.
He should stop expecting the clubs to bail him out. Jantjies is now stripped of being a bok, the management was patient with him, but he just made so many bad choices. Yes, Kolisi transgressions may be less, but ultimately, you signed a contract with your club, but he seems to be able to get away with anything at the moment.
This to me is not a leader, it is a child who never learned to stand up to the world.
I remember how Rassie was running the touchline as water boy and the big noise he made because Kolisi couldn't talk to the referee and he felt the reff ignored Kolisi. Rassie nearly called the ref racist and Mark Kohane definitely call the reff racist, but it is just Kolisi not being able to show his leadership qualities. If anything, he is more of cheerleader and likes to sing, really badly, clap his hands and jump around. He likes to be on the side of the filed and pose with fans while they take photos. He likes to show off. But in the change room, you never see him talk nor do you ever see him talk to the players on the field. Who is talking to the players under the post, it was Duane or Eben. Who is the guy that speaks up in the change room, it was PSDT, that really told the guys to pick their heads up. I have not once seen Kolisi inspire any of the players.
The guy doesn't even play more than 40 min and yet he is captain.
So far his cost Rugby R50 million to the Springboks, the Saarks and Racing just to try and get him for 40 minutes on the field.
Is he the best player in the world, no, is he the best leader in the world no. He is just the poster boy that has so many people behind him to put him in that position.
I hope that he gets dropped before the World Cup because all of those issues will come to the World Cup.
He is 33, playing some good rugby now, but I don't want to see a 36 year old invisible flanker on the field or him with his problems being dragged into the boks.
Rassie will need to find a proper leadership group and fast, but it is not Moerat and it is not Kolisi.