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Elrich Louw

Forum » Rugby » Elrich Louw

Jan 28, 2025, 06:49

He was taken directly to hospital for surgery after his horrific knee injury.


I doubt he'll be available any time this year. It'll be a very long road back for him. Those types of injuries end careers.


...and this is exactly why that hit JLD make on AE was such a scumbag move. It almost resulted in the exact same thing. 

Jan 28, 2025, 07:41

He Twisted his knee very bad and the prognosis to the extent of his injury, can only be given once the swelling goes down from surgery.

I missed how the injury happened, as my stream was down at that moment.

Was it Ruan Venter and was it a illegal blow?

Jan 28, 2025, 09:24

Venter was involved

Was watching the game and saw Venter and other players close to him, and then the commentators I figured it was a knee. 

Couldn't bring myself to watch the slow-mo. Literally looked away from the TV...I can't stand to see people breaking bones or badly twisting joints out of place. Weird, cos i like combat sports, I know.


Jan 28, 2025, 09:39

Geez a knee injury like that is horrible…. What a pity and he was really in good form.

I sincerely hope the guy will be back. For now this will change things personnel wise and leaves the door open for other candidates.

Jan 28, 2025, 11:15

Agreed I had to turn my head away to - I can’t watch those injury replays 

Let’s hope Elrigh makes a full recovery 

Ruan Venter was involved but nothing malicious. Venter hurt Hanekom as well, in the chest area - Venter is a human wrecking ball 

Jan 28, 2025, 19:44

I always watch the replays ! 

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