Frankly I don't who refs as long as the person was fair and competent.
Frankly I don't who refs as long as the person was fair and competent.
The women should stick to reffing and commentating on women’s sport. It drives me mad
I always wonder if the physical nature of Rugby is maybe not to much for women …. Even worse is the Woman fighting in the UFC….Any case if woman Refs can be competent in there on field calls, then I guess it will be ok.
But just imagine if the players accidentally bash into the female Ref. They cause enough damage to the men when that happens….
Yes that can be a issue….imagine Eben running into the Lady ref ….ouch : (
Exactly. It’s dangerous in my opinion.
What if Pete is around
What an embarrassment.
Ja pete will not be good for a lady ref : ) with that Tummy he might just squash her…or maybe not, as the tummy acts as a airbag for a nice soft landing : )
Honestly, I've been impresse with the female refs.
Without stereotyping too much, ladies
are better at multitasking. Which is kinda what's needed from a rugby ref.That'd be my argument were I attemting to steelman the case for lady refs
There is a bit of the intimidating school marm
about them!
Without stereotyping too much, ladies are better at multitasking. Which is kinda what's needed from a rugby ref.
That's so sexist against men!
Men suck...I'm dyeing my hair blue
...also becoming vegan.
I'll let you know my pronouns soon.
Until then, don't assume anything.
Oh please don’t, Plum
Men need to be men and us girls need to be girls. We co-exist perfectly well
...but i want boobs so i can stay ho
me a look at myself in the mirror all day.
,, right track
I don’t mind female refs I can’t stand female commentators or so called studio experts - they are shit
I’m with you on that Moz
You’d soon get bored, Plum Trust me on that.
"...but i want boobs so i can stay home a look at myself in the mirror all day."
Rooi you find old Buttplug will take anything he is offered
Being such an ugly prick has it’s consequences
ButtPlug is what we used to call a "double-bagger" yet he thinks he's some kind of oil painting.
Maybe on planet Meton!
"What is it with you wanting boobs and changing your pronouns? I also remember a few years back you expressing surprise that no-one else on this board had been "pegged" yet. Is there something you're trying to tell us?"
You making stuff up.
Produce the post. I'm sure the term pegging isn't used too often on Ruckers, so should be an easy Google search.
I see your fascination with rectums hasn't waned. I guess that means you and Fatttex should get on well...on account of him being a giant recutm 'n all.
Well …er…rebutted Plum. Peeper’s insane obsession with the male posterior remains one of the most reliable fetishes on the Board.
This from Oxford describes the condition:
What's that saying about a hammer thinking every problem is a nail....
Rooi, does someone need to have "the chat" with you?
Hall Of Famer43,921 posts
….female rugby needs male commentators. The incessant screeching of women who have obviously told to be enthusiastic, takes away from the matches which actually quite enjoyable.
Just an Easter Sunday thought.