Hopefully somebody flattens Owen FagGirl tonight
Hopefully somebody flattens Owen FagGirl tonight
A bit scrappy but the Stormers hanging in there.
They're a little frantic when they get close to the line but they're keeping up with the Frenchies.
Racing 19-10 halftime
Stormers falling behind by 2 scores and then quickly getting a score of their own.
They can win this if they stop fumbling the ball.
Stormers get another score...
Nice play from Jaintjies.
As soon as he came in they looked better.
Kak at lineouts, defence shoddy, but at 24-22 down with 15 min to go we're back.
Stormers came close but blew it in the end.
Yep...close but no cigar...nice game...pity...
Racing deserved winners. Roos our best today.
Aw man I forgot about this game.
Theunissen looking good as well - he is a quality player
Dobson is an idiot for not starting Gelant, Libbok, BJ Dixon and Jantjies
13,811 posts
Nice start by the Stormers.
No Manie tonight.
Roos already bringing the fight to France.